FOCAM focuses on small and medium series production of castings (prototypes, production runs, spare parts). The main content of the production is castings from malleable and alloyed cast iron and steel.
FOCAM spol. s r.o. was founded in 1991 during the privatization of MŽ a.s. Olomouc, thereby continuing a 40-year-old foundry tradition. Throughout the company's existence, significant investments were made in melting, moulding, and heat treatment technologies.
FOCAM focuses on small and medium-scale production of castings (prototypes, production start-ups, spare parts) from cast irons and steels cast into self-hardening molding compounds (AlpHaset).
In exceptional cases, the production range is supplemented with castings made from aluminum and copper alloys, which are cast into sand molds and dies.